Intelligent Transportation Report — June 2023

Greetings, Sisters and Brothers.

Electrical construction on streets, highways, railways and runways has afforded us the opportunity to support ourselves and our families. The time and dedication given to becoming a skilled and trained electrical worker has placed us in a position to further benefit our way of life. Now, more than ever, that position is being attacked.

Many other crafts in the construction industry, such as the laborers and carpenters, do not hesitate to perform our work. Every IBEW member has a responsibility to protect the “electrical” scope of work identified in our agreement. If you see this happening on your project, please reach out to me ASAP at (626) 318-6333 or email me at:

On another note, a bylaws proposal was approved during the June general meeting: The “Intelligent Transportation Systems” classification is now Unit 11.66. For more information, please attend the next ITS meeting at the District 6 hall on Tuesday, August 15 at 5 p.m.

Christopher Longoria

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